Paragon APFS for Windows 4.0.10 Full

Paragon APFS for Windows 4.0.10 Full merupakan software sistem file baru untuk perangkat macOS, iOS, dan Apple. Jika Anda bekerja pada komputer berbasis Windows dan ingin membaca dan menulis file pada HDD, SSD, atau flash drive berformat APFS, Anda memerlukan APFS untuk Windows dari Paragon Software ini.

Stable Operation
Fail-safe operability across compatible hardware and software systems for both general-purpose and specialized applications

Data Safety
Protection of data integrity and prevention of accidental data corruption and possible loss

Guaranteed Performance
Steady throughput and balanced goodput with effective flow control, reduced overheads, and congestion avoidance

Efficient Use
Thrifty usage of processor, memory, and disk resources

Read-write access
When volumes are mounted in the Write mode, you get full access to an APFS volume with the options to edit files, create new files or delete existing files.

Mounts supported volumes automatically at startup, so you don’t need to bother about it each time you restart the operating system or power your computer on. However, this feature can be disabled at any moment in the program interface.

Support for APFS cloned files
Our driver provides limited read-only support for APFS cloned files. You can read, copy and rename this type of files, but not write, modify, create or delete.

Support for compressed files
There are several compression methods in APFS. Our driver supports all of them.

Support for APFS subvolumes
Any operations that involve file moving from one APFS subvolume to another are not supported.

Support for APFS containers
Our driver can only work with APFS containers residing on a single physical store, other configurations are not yet supported.

Support for APFS-snapshot enabled volumes
APFS volumes that contain snapshots are automatically detected and mounted in read-only mode.

Support for encrypted volumes
Encrypted volumes are not yet supported.

System Requirements:
– Windows 11 (64-bit)
– Windows 10 (64-bit)
– Windows 8/8.1 (64-bit)
– Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
– Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
– Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
– Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)

Langkah Install
Download kemudian extract
selanjutnya install sampai selesai, buka folder jamu, copy isinya dan paste ke
C:\Program Files (x86)\Paragon Software\APFS for Windows
replace yang asli
jika gagal paste, silahkan di end task dulu program yang berjalan pakai iobit Unlocker => iobit unlocker
kemudian paste lagi

#Unduh#Tautan: Paragon APFS for Windows 4.0.10 Full  | Pd Link | 
#Unduh#Tautan: Paragon APFS for Windows 4.0.10 Full  | An Link | 
#Unduh#Tautan: Paragon APFS for Windows 4.0.10 Full  | As Link | 

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